The IMDPA collects and disseminates accurate, useful industry information and makes it available to members and the general public to foster advances in the art of metal decorating and packaging.
IMDPA Newsletter
The IMDPA produces a Quarterly Newsletter that is distributed by mail and electronically to all current members. The cost of the newsletter is included in the membership dues. The publication features articles relating to technology, equipment, quality, environmental compliance, recycling, market trends and industry information.
Membership Directory
Our association produces and distributes a Membership Directory which lists the names, addresses and phone numbers of members. This directory serves as a useful tool for communicating with other members throughout the year. The directory is only distributed to our membership for their personal use and not for commercial purpose. Login to view directory.
IMDPA Website
The IMDPA website contains a wealth of information for both members and non-members participating in the metal decorating and packaging industry. Updated on a regular basis it is a valuable resource for those looking to learn about, promote and advance the art of metal decorating.
Social Media
Our social media channels including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram keeps members informed of activities, fun facts and relevant information pertaining to our association.